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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bird Seed Ornaments

Why shouldn't birds celebrate Christmas too? With a few supplies you may already have laying around the house, you can make beautiful, yet functional holiday ornaments to hang on the trees outdoors.

This is a fun and simple craft that the whole family can enjoy.

Grab some of this:

And a jar of this: (I used crunchy!)

A bunch of these:

And some willing volunteers to help with the messy parts:

Attach a generous length of floral wire to the top of each pine cone. This is how you will hang the birdseed ornaments.

Here is the messy part: Spread peanut butter over the pine cone then roll it in a bowl full of birdseed. My two year old daughter Olivia loved doing this part!

Set the seeded pine cones on a plate and place cranberries in any crevices or large gaps in the pine cone.

Attach the pine cone to a tree or hang from your eaves to attract birds. They will surely love this attractive treat!


  1. Love these! I'm going to let the kiddies make some for my mother in law...a little extra Christmas gift:) I'm a follower!

  2. Hi Lori! What a creative idea for the ornaments!

    I am stopping by to say that I am giving you the "Stylish Bloggers Award". Looks like you already got one! Congratulations! :)
    If you wish to accept it, follow the link to read the explanations for what you need to do next! http://happymummysworld.blogspot.com/2011/01/stylish-blog-award.html

    Thank you for the networking opportunity!
    Have a wonderful day!


  3. This is such a neat ideal. I have pine tress surrounding my house and this would be perfect to get the little birdies to stop by!



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